Wikipedia entry on Michael Laser
Michael Laser’s Facebook Author page
Short stories
“O Nosso Amor,” Massachusetts Review (requires access to the jstor database)
“Berlin,” New England Review (requires access to the jstor database)
“The American Queen,” Massachusetts Review (requires access to the jstor database)
“Mr. Ng at the Great Wall,” Massachusetts Review (requires access to the jstor database)
Other published stories:
“Nobody Asks” Transatlantic Review, June 1977
“Christmas,” Western Humanities Review, Spring 1979
“Weaklings,” The Ohio Journal, Spring, 1980
“Shoelaces,” Epoch, Winter/Spring 1983
“Evelyn’s Stories,” Malahat Review, July 1983
“Dependable Machines,” Southern Humanities Review, Fall 1984
“Poor,” Fiddlehead, Spring 1985
“Hardball,” StoryQuarterly, 1985
Op-Eds and essays (a small selection)
“Bringing Back the Dead,”
“The Education of a Stay-at-Home Father,” from Room to Grow, edited by Christina Baker Kline
“If You Have to Ask, Get Lost,” New York Times
“Clearcutting Suburbia,” New York Times
“Mom, What’s Erectile Dysfunction?” Chicago Tribune
“The Capitol Dome: Patriotism, Lost and Found”
“Save These Words” Cleveland Plain Dealer
“What I Should Have Said in My Father’s Eulogy” Baltimore Sun
“I Was a Starstruck Student When John Barth Led the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins” Baltimore Sun
Profiles and other nonfiction
“Swing, Batter Batter, Swing,” New York Times
“The Hindu and the Synagogue,” New York Times
“A Park Ranger’s Delicate Mission,” New York Times
“He Is a Light to the World’s Poor,” New York Times
“Donor Beware,” New Jersey Monthly