Anyone who has taught freshman composition knows how hard it is to improve the writing of students who arrive at college with weak sentence skills. The College Writing Clinic offers effective strategies that will help you achieve this important but elusive goal.
The book includes:
- A method for teaching sentence skills to college students
- A lesson plan for each key skill
- A strategy for integrating sentence skills with instruction in critical thinking and essay writing
- Advice for new instructors
- Mentor passages
- Skills handouts
- Recommended books
For a more detailed look at the strategies explained in the book, visit The College Writing Clinic.
Many students attending college today are not especially strong writers. They often experience difficulty crafting sentences that adequately capture their intentions in an effective and correct manner. If this description fits one or more of your students, The College Writing Clinic is the book for you. It provides useful ideas and effective practices for mastering the basic craft of sentence writing.
—Steve Graham, Arizona State University
Co-author, Handbook of Writing Research and Best Practices in Writing Instruction
Reviews from readers, on
I teach freshmen composition at a large state university, and many of my students are under-prepared. This book is exactly what I need to help them, while not taking too much class time away from the better students. Thank you to the author for so generously sharing his classroom techniques!
I really like this author’s approach to teaching basic grammar and punctuation concepts. I’ve implemented many of the strategies and ideas from this book to my classes this semester, and I’ve already noticed a positive difference in my students’ writing.